IBM Endpoint Manager Inspectors Reference


Win: Windows
Lin: Red Hat and SUSE Linux
Sol: SUN Solaris
HPUX: Hewlett-Packard UNIX version
Mac: Apple Macintosh
Ubu: Ubuntu/Debian
WM: Windows Mobile

The version (e.g. Lin:8.1) corresponds to the version of the IEM product (8.1) in which the inspector was introduced in the client on that platform.
The version number is not shown if it is less than 8.0.



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Networking Objects
connection status
internet protocol
ip version
ipv4 address
ipv4 address with multiplicity
ipv4 route
ipv4 routing table
ipv4or6 address
ipv4or6 address with multiplicity
ipv6 address
ipv6 address with multiplicity
network adapter
network adapter interface
network address list
network interface
network ip interface
network link interface
network share
tcp state
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IBM Endpoint Manager wiki

Networking Objects

This chapter includes the various networking Inspectors.

tcp state

These inspectors expose the state of a socket on an endpoint

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
tcp state of <socket>Returns a <tcp state> of the socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<tcp state> as string<string>Cast a <tcp state> to a string representationUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
close wait of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: close waits
Returns true if the state represented is CLOSE_WAITUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
closed of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: closeds
Returns true if the state represented is CLOSEDUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
closing of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: closings
Returns true if the state represented is CLOSINGUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
delete tcb of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: delete tcbs
Returns true if the state represented is DELETE_TCBUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
established of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: establisheds
Returns true if the state represented is ESTABLISHEDUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
fin wait one of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: fin wait ones
Returns true if the state represented is FIN_WAIT1Ubu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
fin wait two of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: fin wait twos
Returns true if the state represented is FIN_WAIT2Ubu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
last ack of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: last acks
Returns true if the state represented is LAST_ACKUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
listening of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: listenings
Returns true if the state represented is LISTENINGUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
syn received of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: syn receiveds
Returns true if the state represented is SYN_RECEIVEDUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
syn sent of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: syn sents
Returns true if the state represented is SYN_SENTUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
time wait of <tcp state><boolean>

Plural: time waits
Returns true if the state represented is TIME_WAITUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0


These inspectors expose the sockets opened on the network on the endpoint

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
socket of <network>Returns a <socket> type that is examinable for socket information.Ubu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
local address of <socket><ipv4or6 address>

Plural: local addresses
Returns an <ipv4or6 address> representing the local address of the socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
local port of <socket><integer>

Plural: local ports
Returns an <integer> representing the local port number of the socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
process of <socket><process>

Plural: processes
Returns a <process> representing the local owner of the socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
remote address of <socket><ipv4or6 address>

Plural: remote addresses
Returns a <ipv4or6 address> representing the remote address of the socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
remote port of <socket><integer>

Plural: remote ports
Returns an <integer> representing the remote port number of the socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
tcp of <socket><boolean>

Plural: tcps
Returns true if the socket is a TCP socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
tcp state of <socket><tcp state>

Plural: tcp states
Returns a <tcp state> of the socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
udp of <socket><boolean>

Plural: udps
Returns true if the socket is a UDP socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0


These inspectors expose the WiFi adapters available on an endpoint.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
wifi of <network adapter>Filters the network adapter object by WiFi type and creates the <wifi> object(s)Win:9.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
encryption of <wifi><string>

Plural: encryptions
Returns a string of the encryption type of the WiFi connection. eg: "WEP", "WPA2-PSK"Win:9.0
secured of <wifi><boolean>

Plural: secureds
Returns a boolean that is true if the WiFi connection is secured.Win:9.0
ssid of <wifi><string>

Plural: ssids
Returns a string of the SSID of the WiFi connectionWin:9.0


The <network> objects are the keywords used to query the local network configuration.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
networkReturns an object containing properties of the network.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
socket of <network><socket>

Plural: sockets
Returns a <socket> type that is examinable for socket information.Ubu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
adapter of <network><network adapter>

Plural: adapters
Returns the one or more network adapter objects of the network.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
any adapter of <network><network adapter>

Plural: any adapters
This Inspector returns the same as 'adapter of <network>', but it includes loopback and tunnels.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
connection of <network><connection>

Plural: connections
Returns a connection to the specified network. This Inspector requires Windows XP or better.Win
dns server of <network><network address list>

Plural: dns servers
Returns a list of DNS servers used by the local computer.Win, WM
find adapter <string> of <network><network adapter>

Plural: find adapters
This Inspector lets you find a network adapter from the "Friendly Name".Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
interface <integer> of <network><network interface>

Plural: interfaces
Returns the Nth interface of the network.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
interface of <network><network interface>

Plural: interfaces
Returns all the interfaces of the network.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ip interface <integer> of <network><network ip interface>

Plural: ip interfaces
Returns the Nth ip interface of the network.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ip interface of <network><network ip interface>

Plural: ip interfaces
Returns all the ip interfaces of the network.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ipv4 interface of <network><network adapter interface>

Plural: ipv4 interfaces
Returns an IPv4 network adapter interface from the specified network.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv4or6 interface of <network><network adapter interface>

Plural: ipv4or6 interfaces
Returns all the ipv4or6 network adapter interfaces from the specified network.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv6 interface of <network><network adapter interface>

Plural: ipv6 interfaces
Returns all the ipv6 interfaces of the specified network.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
winsock2 supported of <network><boolean>

Plural: winsock2 supporteds
Indicates that winsock2 is supported by the network. If this returns FALSE, many of the other properties of the interface are not available for inspection.Win, WM

network interface

The network interface object describes a generic network interface, and has information about the name and family of that interface. On the Mac these are commonly of type AF_INET, AF_LINK and AF_INET6.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
interface <integer> of <network>Returns the Nth interface of the network.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
interface of <network>Returns all the interfaces of the network.

names of interfaces of network - Returns a list of the network interface names, for example, lo0, gif0, stf0, en0.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
family of <network interface><integer>

Plural: families
Returns an family designator of the address family (i.e., 2=AFI_NET).Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1

network ip interface

In general, the network ip interface object holds locally determined properties of logical network devices configured on the computer. On the Mac, these correspond to interfaces of type AF_INET. The properties that are available depend on the socket support installed on the computer. For Windows computers with winsock 2 support installed, for instance, the information is obtained by an ioctl call and includes Interface address, Interface broadcast address, Interface network mask, Broadcast support flag, Multicast support flag, Loopback interface flag and Point to point interface flag.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
ip interface <integer> of <network>Returns the Nth ip interface of the network.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ip interface of <network>Returns all the ip interfaces of the network.

names of ip interfaces of network - Returns a list of the names of the network IP interfaces, for example, lo0, en0.

addresses of ip interfaces of network - Returns a list of the IP addresses of the network IP interfaces, for example,,, etcetera.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
address of <network ip interface><ipv4 address>

Plural: addresses
Returns the ip address of the ip interface.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
broadcast address of <network ip interface><ipv4 address>

Plural: broadcast addresses
Returns the broadcast address of the specified interface as an IPv4 type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
broadcast support of <network ip interface><boolean>

Plural: broadcast supports
Indicates that broadcast messages are supported by the ip interface.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
cidr address of <network ip interface><string>

Plural: cidr addresses
Returns the Classless Inter-Domain Routing address for the specified network ip interface as a string type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
cidr string of <network ip interface><string>

Plural: cidr strings
Returns the Classless Inter-Domain Routing value for the specified network ip interface as a string type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
loopback of <network ip interface><boolean>

Plural: loopbacks
Indicates that the particular network ip interface is a loopback interface.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
multicast support of <network ip interface><boolean>

Plural: multicast supports
Indicates that multicast messages are supported by the ip interface.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
point to point of <network ip interface><boolean>

Plural: point to points
Indicates that the interface is a point-to-point interface. Usually TRUE for dialup connections.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
subnet address of <network ip interface><ipv4 address>

Plural: subnet addresses
Returns the subnet address (IPv4) to which the specified interface belongs.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
subnet mask of <network ip interface><ipv4 address>

Plural: subnet masks
Returns the subnet mask (IPv4) of the specified network ip interface.As of version 8.0, this Inspector type is derived from an <ipv4or6 address> type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
up of <network ip interface><boolean>

Plural: ups
Returns TRUE if the specified network IP interface is currently up.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1

network link interface

The network link interface objects correspond to interfaces of type AF_LINK.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

network share

The network share Inspector does not work on Windows 95/98/Me. The password and permission properties are relevant only for shares using share-level security. User-level security is given by the security descriptor. The use limit property will throw NoSuchObject if use is unlimited.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
network shareCreates a network shared object.

paths of network shares - Returns a list of the paths currently being shared over the network.
network share <string>Creates a named network shared object.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
attribute permission of <network share><boolean>

Plural: attribute permissions
Returns TRUE if permission is granted to modify the attributes of the shared resource (such as the date and time when a file was last modified).Win
comment of <network share><string>

Plural: comments
Returns a string specifying an optional comment about the shared resource.Win
create permission of <network share><boolean>

Plural: create permissions
Returns TRUE if permission is granted to create an instance of a shared resource (such as a file).Win
delete permission of <network share><boolean>

Plural: delete permissions
Returns TRUE if permission is granted to delete the resource.Win
execute permission of <network share><boolean>

Plural: execute permissions
Returns TRUE if permission is granted to execute the resource.Win
name of <network share><string>

Plural: names
Returns a string specifying the name of the specified shared resource.Win
password of <network share><string>

Plural: passwords
A string that specifies the share's password (when the server is running with share-level security). Note that the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT do not support share-level security.Win
path of <network share><string>

Plural: paths
A string containing the local path for the shared resource.Win
permission permission of <network share><boolean>

Plural: permission permissions
Returns TRUE if permission is granted to modify the permissions (read, write, create, execute, and delete) for the specified network share.Win
read permission of <network share><boolean>

Plural: read permissions
Returns TRUE if permission is granted to read data from a resource and, by default, to execute the specified network share.Win
security descriptor of <network share><security descriptor>

Plural: security descriptors
Specifies the security descriptor associated with the specified network share.Win
type of <network share><integer>

Plural: types
Specifies an integer value that indicates the type of share. (See the Microsoft document on SHARE_INFO_502).Win
use count of <network share><integer>

Plural: use counts
Specifies an integer value that indicates the number of current connections to the specified network share.Win
use limit of <network share><integer>

Plural: use limits
Specifies an integer value indicating the maximum number of concurrent connections that the shared resource can accommodate.Win
write permission of <network share><boolean>

Plural: write permissions
Returns TRUE if permission is granted to write data to the specified network share.Win

network address list

A network adapter may be configured to respond to a list of network addresses. This object type provides access to such a list.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
dns server of <network>Returns a list of DNS servers used by the local computer.Win, WM
address list of <network adapter>Returns the address list of the network adapter.Win, WM
dns server of <network adapter>Returns a list of DNS servers used by the specified adapter.Win, WM
gateway list of <network adapter>Returns the gateway network address list of the network adapter.Win, WM


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
address of <network address list><ipv4 address>

Plural: addresses
Returns the IP address of the address list.Win, WM
cidr address of <network address list><string>

Plural: cidr addresses
Returns the CIDR address of the address list as a string type, for example, (IPv4) or 2001:db8::/32 (IPv6).Win:8.0
cidr string of <network address list><string>

Plural: cidr strings
Returns the Classless Inter-Domain Routing value for the specified network address list as a string value.Win, WM
subnet address of <network address list><ipv4 address>

Plural: subnet addresses
Returns the subnet address (IPv4) of the specified network address list.Win, WM
subnet mask of <network address list><ipv4 address>

Plural: subnet masks
Returns the subnet mask (IPv4) of the specified network address list.Win, WM

network adapter

One or more network adapters may be inspected using this property of the network object. Each network adapter has a number of interesting properties such as the MAC address.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
adapter of <network>Returns the one or more network adapter objects of the network.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
any adapter of <network>This Inspector returns the same as 'adapter of <network>', but it includes loopback and tunnels.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
find adapter <string> of <network>This Inspector lets you find a network adapter from the "Friendly Name".

address of find adapter "Local Area Connection" of network - Returns an IP address corresponding to the Local Area Connection of the network.
Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
adapter of <network adapter interface>Returns the adapters associated with the specified network adapter interface.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
wifi of <network adapter><wifi>

Plural: wifis
Filters the network adapter object by WiFi type and creates the <wifi> object(s)Win:9.0
address list of <network adapter><network address list>

Plural: address lists
Returns the address list of the network adapter.Win, WM
address of <network adapter><ipv4 address>

Plural: addresses
Returns the ip address of the network adapter (returns the first address if it is a list).Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
cidr address of <network adapter><string>

Plural: cidr addresses
Returns the CIDR address of the specified network adapter as a string type, for example, (IPv4) or 2001:db8::/32 (IPv6).Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
cidr string of <network adapter><string>

Plural: cidr strings
Returns the Classless Inter-Domain Routing value for the specified network adapter as a string value.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
description of <network adapter><string>

Plural: descriptions
Returns the description of the network adapter.Win, WM
dhcp enabled of <network adapter><boolean>

Plural: dhcp enableds
Returns TRUE if dhcp is enabled on the network adapter.Win, WM
dhcp server of <network adapter><ipv4 address>

Plural: dhcp servers
Returns the ip address of the dhcp server of the network adapter (returns the first address if it is a list).Win, WM
dns server of <network adapter><network address list>

Plural: dns servers
Returns a list of DNS servers used by the specified adapter.Win, WM
dns suffix of <network adapter><string>

Plural: dns suffixes
Returns the Domain Name System (DNS) suffix associated with the specified adapter.Win, WM
friendly name of <network adapter><string>

Plural: friendly names
Returns a user-friendly name for the adapter, for example "Local Area Connection 1".Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, WM, Ubu:8.1
gateway list of <network adapter><network address list>

Plural: gateway lists
Returns the gateway network address list of the network adapter.Win, WM
gateway of <network adapter><ipv4 address>

Plural: gateways
Returns the ip address of the gateway of the network adapter.Win, WM
internet connection firewall of <network adapter><internet connection firewall>

Plural: internet connection firewalls
Creates a Windows XP firewall object.Win
ipv4 interface of <network adapter><network adapter interface>

Plural: ipv4 interfaces
Returns the IPv4 interface of the specified network adapter as a <network adapter ip interface> type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv4or6 dns server of <network adapter><ipv4or6 address>

Plural: ipv4or6 dns servers
Returns the ipv4or6 address of the DNS server of the specified network adapter.Win:8.0
ipv4or6 interface of <network adapter><network adapter interface>

Plural: ipv4or6 interfaces
Returns the ipv4or network adapter interface from the specified network adapter.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv6 address of <network adapter><ipv6 address>

Plural: ipv6 addresses
Returns the local IP address (as IPv6) of the adapter. Only for XP/Server 2003 and later.Win, WM
ipv6 dns server of <network adapter><ipv6 address>

Plural: ipv6 dns servers
Returns the DNS server address (as IPv6) of the adapter. Only for XP/Server 2003 and later.Win, WM
ipv6 interface of <network adapter><network adapter interface>

Plural: ipv6 interfaces
Returns the IPv6 interfaces of the specified network adapter as a network adapter interface type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
lease expires of <network adapter><time>

Plural: leases expire
Returns the time that the dhcp lease will expire of the network adapter.Win, WM
lease obtained of <network adapter><time>

Plural: leases obtained
Returns the time that the dhcp lease was obtained of the network adapter.Win, WM
link speed of <network adapter><integer>

Plural: link speeds
This is a property of a network adapter. It returns the maximum speed of the NIC card in bits per second.Win, WM
loopback of <network adapter><boolean>

Plural: loopbacks
Returns TRUE if the specified network adapter is a loopback interface.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, Ubu:8.1
mac address of <network adapter><string>

Plural: mac addresses
Returns the mac address of the network adapter.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
maximum transmission unit of <network adapter><integer>

Plural: maximum transmission units
The maximum transmission unit (MTU) size, in bytes, of the specified adapter.Win, WM
multicast support of <network adapter><boolean>

Plural: multicast supports
Returns TRUE if multicast messages are supported by the specified network adapter.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, Ubu:8.1
name of <network adapter><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the network adapter.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
primary wins server of <network adapter><ipv4 address>

Plural: primary wins servers
Returns the IPv4 address of the primary wins server of the specified network adapter.Win, WM
secondary wins server of <network adapter><ipv4 address>

Plural: secondary wins servers
Returns the IPv4 address of the secondary wins server of the specified network adapter.As of version 8.0 of BES, this Inspector type is derived from an <ipv4or6 address> type.Win, WM
status of <network adapter><integer>

Plural: statuses
The operational status for the interface as defined in RFC 2863. It can be one of the values from the IF_OPER_STATUS enumeration type defined in the Iftypes.h header file. On Windows Vista and later, the header files were reorganized and this enumeration is defined in the Ifdef.h header file.Win, WM
subnet address of <network adapter><ipv4 address>

Plural: subnet addresses
Returns the subnet address (IPv4) of the specified network adapter.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
subnet mask of <network adapter><ipv4 address>

Plural: subnet masks
Returns the subnet mask (IPv4) of the specified network adapter.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
tunnel of <network adapter><boolean>

Plural: tunnels
Returns TRUE if the specidfied adapter is a tunnel.Win:8.0
type of <network adapter><integer>

Plural: types
Returns the interface type of the specified adapter as defined by the Internet Assigned Names Authority (IANA). Possible values for the interface type are listed in the Ipifcons.h header file.Win, WM
up of <network adapter><boolean>

Plural: ups
Returns TRUE if the specified network adaoter is currently working. Interfaces like wifi may be turned it off to save power, but this Inspector will still tell you if it is active.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, Ubu:8.1
wakeonlan enabled of <network adapter><boolean>

Plural: wakeonlan enableds
Returns TRUE if the specified network adapter is configured to react to Wake-On-Lan requests. Wake-On-Lan is a mechanism used to trigger a boot of a machine in standby mode by sending a special packet.Note: Wake-On-Lan is only supported for Windows 2000 and XP machines.Win, WM
wins enabled of <network adapter><boolean>

Plural: wins enableds
Returns TRUE if WINS is enabled on the network adapter.Win, WM

network adapter interface

A network adapter interfaces a computer to a network. These Inspectors expose the adapter so that you can determine its properties, such as its address, subnet mask, mac address and whether or not it supports broadcast, multicast or point-to-point.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
ipv4 interface of <network>Returns an IPv4 network adapter interface from the specified network.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv4or6 interface of <network>Returns all the ipv4or6 network adapter interfaces from the specified network.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv6 interface of <network>Returns all the ipv6 interfaces of the specified network.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv4 interface of <network adapter>Returns the IPv4 interface of the specified network adapter as a <network adapter ip interface> type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv4or6 interface of <network adapter>Returns the ipv4or network adapter interface from the specified network adapter.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv6 interface of <network adapter>Returns the IPv6 interfaces of the specified network adapter as a network adapter interface type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
adapter of <network adapter interface><network adapter>

Plural: adapters
Returns the adapters associated with the specified network adapter interface.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
address of <network adapter interface><ipv4or6 address>

Plural: addresses
Returns the IP address of the specified network adapter interface as an ipv4or6 address type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
broadcast address of <network adapter interface><ipv4or6 address>

Plural: broadcast addresses
Creates an object with the broadcast address (ipv4or6) of the specified network adapter interface.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
broadcast support of <network adapter interface><boolean>

Plural: broadcast supports
Returns TRUE if the given network adapter interface has broadcast support.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
cidr address of <network adapter interface><string>

Plural: cidr addresses
Returns the CIDR address of the specified interface as a string type, for example, (IPv4) or 2001:db8::/32 (IPv6).Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
cidr string of <network adapter interface><string>

Plural: cidr strings
A cidr string (see CIDR_notation at Wikipedia) is a string representation of a cidr address. It looks like an ip address followed by a slash and then the number of leading non-zero bits of the routing prefix. For example, for IPv4, and 2001:db8::/32 for IPv6.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
loopback of <network adapter interface><boolean>

Plural: loopbacks
Returns TRUE if the specified interface supports loopbacks.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
mac address of <network adapter interface><string>

Plural: mac addresses
Returns the MAC address of the specified network adapter interface as a string type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
multicast support of <network adapter interface><boolean>

Plural: multicast supports
Returns TRUE if the specified interface supports multicasting.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
point to point of <network adapter interface><boolean>

Plural: point to points
A network adapter interface can be a point-to-point interface, such as you might use for a VPN connection or a SLIP connection. This Inspector returns TRUE if the specified network adapter interface is configured to run point-to-point.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
subnet address of <network adapter interface><ipv4or6 address>

Plural: subnet addresses
Returns the subnet address of the specified interface as an ipv4or6 address type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
subnet mask of <network adapter interface><ipv4or6 address>

Plural: subnet masks
Returns the subnet mask of the specified interface as an ipv4or6 address type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
up of <network adapter interface><boolean>

Plural: ups
Returns TRUE if the specified interface is currently up and working.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1


The <connection> objects are used to query your connections. These are all properties of the Internet Connection Firewall, as returned in the NETCON_PROPERTIES structure.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
connection of <network>Returns a connection to the specified network. This Inspector requires Windows XP or better.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
device name of <connection><string>

Plural: device names
Returns the name of the device associated with the specified connection.Win
firewall of <connection><internet connection firewall>

Plural: firewalls
Returns the internet connection firewall object corresponding to the specified connection.Win
guid of <connection><string>

Plural: guids
Returns the globally-unique identifier (GUID) for the specified connection.Win
media type of <connection><media type>

Plural: media types
Returns the media type of for the specified connection.Win
name of <connection><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified connection.Win
status of <connection><connection status>

Plural: statuses
Returns the status of the specified connection.Win

connection status

The <connection status> objects return information about the status of your connections.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
connection status <integer>Returns the connection status based on its integer value. This Inspector is included to take advantage of new (or undocumented) additions to the status values.Win
connection status authenticatingReturns the value NCS_AUTHENTICATING: The connection is waiting for authentication to occur.Win
connection status authentication failedReturns the value NCS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED: Authentication has failed on this connection.Win
connection status authentication succeededReturns the value NCS_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCEEDED: Authentication has succeeded on this connection.Win
connection status connectedReturns the value NCS_CONNECTED: The connection is in a connected state.

device names of connections whose (status of it = connection status connected) of network - Returns the names of the connected network devices.
connection status connectingReturns the value NCS_CONNECTING: The connection is in the process of connecting.Win
connection status disconnectedReturns the value NCS_DISCONNECTED: The connection is disconnected.Win
connection status disconnectingReturns the value NCS_DISCONNECTING: The connection is in the process of disconnecting.Win
connection status hardware disabledReturns the value NCS_HARDWARE_DISABLED: The hardware for the connection is present, but is not enabled.Win
connection status hardware malfunctionReturns the value NCS_HARDWARE_MALFUNCTION: A malfunction has occurred in the hardware for the connection.Win
connection status media disconnectedReturns the value NCS_MEDIA_DISCONNECTED: The media, for example the network cable, is disconnected.Win
connection status no hardware presentReturns the value NCS_NO_HARDWARE_PRESENT: The hardware for the connection, for example network interface card (NIC), is not present.Win
status of <connection>Returns the status of the specified connection.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<connection status> = <connection status><boolean>Compare the statuses of two connections.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

internet protocol

Returns the firewall internet protocol corresponding to the Microsoft enumerated types, either tcp or udp. The Windows Firewall is supported on Windows XP SP2. For more information, search for 'Windows Firewall API' at the msdn site (

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
internet protocol <integer>Returns the firewall internet protocol specified by the given integer. These correspond to the Microsoft enumerated types: NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCPNET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_UDP.Win
tcpReturns an internet protocol corresponding to the Microsoft enumerated type: NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP.Win
udpReturns an internet protocol corresponding to the Microsoft enumerated type: NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_UDP.Win
protocol of <firewall open port>Returns the Protocol property of the firewall open port.

exists globally open port whose (port of it = 52311 and protocol of it = udp and enabled of it) of current profile of local policy of firewall - Returns TRUE if the BES Client can receive pings.
protocol of <firewall rule>Retrieves the Protocol property for the specified firewall rule. The firewall rule Inspectors are wrappers around the Windows Vista Firewall API. For more information, see the MSDN library for INetFwRule.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<internet protocol> = <internet protocol><boolean>Compares two firewall internet protocols for equality only.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

ip version

The <ip version> Inspectors distinguish between ipv6 and ipv4. The integer representations of these are chosen to meet existing standards.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
any ip versionReturns a type corresponding to the Microsoft enumerated value NET_FW_IP_VERSION_ANY.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ip version <integer>Returns the the IP version for the <integer> port corresponding to the Microsoft enumerated types:0: NET_FW_IP_VERSION_V41: NET_FW_IP_VERSION_V62: NET_FW_IP_VERSION_ANY3: NET_FW_IP_VERSION_MAX.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv4Provides a comparison value for a firewall or other ip version inspector.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv6Provides a comparison value for a firewall or other ip version inspector.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ip version of <ipv4or6 address>Returns the IP version of the specified ipv4or6 address.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ip version of <firewall authorized application>Returns the contents of the IpVersion property for the specified application.Win
ip version of <firewall open port>Returns the IpVersion property of the firewall open port.Win
ip version of <firewall service>Returns the the IP version for the specified firewall service.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<ip version> = <ip version><boolean>Compares two IP versions for equality.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<ip version> as string<string>Converts an IP version to a string.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1

ipv4 address

This is an Internet Protocol address, version 4. IP addresses are composed of four single-byte integers separated by periods, such as "". Note: Prior to version 8.0 of BigFix, this was not a derived type.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
ipv4 address <string>Returns an ipv4 address for the string provided.

ipv4 address "" - Returns the four-byte ip address
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
address of <network ip interface>Returns the ip address of the ip interface.

exists ip interface whose (address of it = "" and loopback of it) of network - Returns TRUE if the specified ip interface (with loopback) exists on this computer.

addresses of ip interfaces of network - Returns a list of IP addresses configured on the machine.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
broadcast address of <network ip interface>Returns the broadcast address of the specified interface as an IPv4 type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
subnet address of <network ip interface>Returns the subnet address (IPv4) to which the specified interface belongs.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
subnet mask of <network ip interface>Returns the subnet mask (IPv4) of the specified network ip interface.As of version 8.0, this Inspector type is derived from an <ipv4or6 address> type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
address of <network address list>Returns the IP address of the address list.Win, WM
subnet address of <network address list>Returns the subnet address (IPv4) of the specified network address list.Win, WM
subnet mask of <network address list>Returns the subnet mask (IPv4) of the specified network address list.Win, WM
address of <network adapter>Returns the ip address of the network adapter (returns the first address if it is a list).Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
dhcp server of <network adapter>Returns the ip address of the dhcp server of the network adapter (returns the first address if it is a list).Win, WM
gateway of <network adapter>Returns the ip address of the gateway of the network adapter.Win, WM
primary wins server of <network adapter>Returns the IPv4 address of the primary wins server of the specified network adapter.Win, WM
secondary wins server of <network adapter>Returns the IPv4 address of the secondary wins server of the specified network adapter.As of version 8.0 of BES, this Inspector type is derived from an <ipv4or6 address> type.Win, WM
subnet address of <network adapter>Returns the subnet address (IPv4) of the specified network adapter.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
subnet mask of <network adapter>Returns the subnet mask (IPv4) of the specified network adapter.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
maximum of <ipv4 address>Returns the maximum value from a list of <ipv4 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
minimum of <ipv4 address>Returns the minimum value from a list of <ipv4 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ipv4 part of <ipv6 address>Returns the lowest 32-bits of the IPv6 address as an IPv4 address.As of version 8.0, this Inspector type is derived from an <ipv4or6 address> type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ipv4 part of <ipv4or6 address>Returns the lowest 32-bits of the IPv4or6 address as an IPv4 address.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
target ip address of <port mapping>Returns the target IPv4 address of the specified port mapping.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<ipv4 address> {cmp} <ipv4 address><boolean>Returns a boolean TRUE/FALSE depending on the result of the comparison, where:{cmp} is one of: =, !=, <, <=, >, >= .Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM
<string> {cmp} <ipv4 address><boolean>Returns a boolean TRUE/FALSE depending on the result of the comparison, where:{cmp} is one of: =, !=, <, <=, >, >= .Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM
<ipv4 address> {cmp} <string><boolean>Returns a boolean TRUE/FALSE depending on the result of the comparison, where:{cmp} is one of: =, !=, <, <=, >, >= .Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<ipv4 address> as ipv4or6 address<ipv4or6 address>Converts an IPv4 address into the more inclusive ipv4or6 type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4 address> as ipv6 address<ipv6 address>Returns the specified IPv4 address embedded in a IPv6 address space as defined by RFC 4291 section IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Address. In this scheme the lowest 32 bits of the IPv6 address contain the IPv4 address, the next higher 16 bits are all 1 (ffff) and the remaining bits are all 0.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4 address> as string<string>Converts the ipv4 address to a string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
extrema of <ipv4 address><( ipv4 address, ipv4 address )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of <ipv4 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
maximum of <ipv4 address><ipv4 address>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from a list of <ipv4 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
minimum of <ipv4 address><ipv4 address>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from a list of <ipv4 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
unique value of <ipv4 address><ipv4 address with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <ipv4 address> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1

ipv4 address with multiplicity

The <ipv4 address with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with ipv4 address arrays, allowing you to extract unique ipv4 addresses and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <ipv4 address>Returns the unique values of a given list of <ipv4 address> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <ipv4 address with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <ipv4 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1

ipv6 address

The <ipv6 address> Inspectors deal with the Internet Protocol addressing scheme, version 6. Note: Prior to version 8.0 of BigFix, this was not a derived type.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<string> as ipv6 addressConverts a string representations of an IPv6 address (with colons and/or dots) as an IPv6 address type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ipv6 address <string>Converts a string representations of an IPv6 address (with colons and/or dots) into an IPv6 address type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ipv6 address of <network adapter>Returns the local IP address (as IPv6) of the adapter. Only for XP/Server 2003 and later.Win, WM
ipv6 dns server of <network adapter>Returns the DNS server address (as IPv6) of the adapter. Only for XP/Server 2003 and later.Win, WM
<ipv4 address> as ipv6 addressReturns the specified IPv4 address embedded in a IPv6 address space as defined by RFC 4291 section IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Address. In this scheme the lowest 32 bits of the IPv6 address contain the IPv4 address, the next higher 16 bits are all 1 (ffff) and the remaining bits are all 0.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
maximum of <ipv6 address>Returns the maximum value from a list of <ipv6 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
minimum of <ipv6 address>Returns the minimum value from a list of <ipv6 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<ipv6 address> {cmp} <ipv6 address><boolean>Where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<ipv6 address> as compressed string<string>Similar to casting as a string, but with double colons used to represent multiple zero 16-bit parts (RFC 4291 section 2.2, item 2).Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as compressed string with ipv4<string>Similar to casting as a string, but with both colon-compression and standard IPv4 representation for the low 32-bits.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as compressed string with ipv4 with zone index<string>Similar to casting as a string, but with both colon-compression and standard IPv4 representation for the low 32-bits as well as any zone index.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as compressed string with zone index<string>Similar to casting as a string, but with both colon-compression and a zone index.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as ipv4or6 address<ipv4or6 address>Casts an IPv6 address as a more flexible ipv4or6 address.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as string<string>Returns a string representation of the IPv6 address in the form x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where each x represents one to four hexadecimal digits of the eight 16-bit address fields. Leading zeros in an individual field are omitted. See RFC 4291 section 2.2, item 1.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as string with ipv4<string>Similar to casting as a string, but with the lowest 32 bits of the address in the standard IPv4 representation (RFC 4291 section 2.2, item 3).Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as string with ipv4 with zone index<string>Similar to casting as a string, but with standard IPv4 representation for the low 32-bits as well as any zone index.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as string with leading zeros<string>Similar to casting as a string, but leading zeros in individual fields are preserved.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as string with leading zeros with zone index<string>Converts an IPv6 address into a string with all fields packed with leading zeroes as well as a terminating zone index, if any.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as string with zone index<string>Converts an IPv6 address into a string with a terminating slash-delimited zone index, if any.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
extrema of <ipv6 address><( ipv6 address, ipv6 address )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of <ipv6 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
hexadecet <integer> of <ipv6 address><integer>

Plural: hexadecets
Returns one of the eight 16-bit parts (hexadecets) of an IPv6 address specified by <integer>. Here zero refers to the highest hexadecet (network or big-endian order). Thus hexadecet 0 refers to the most-significant 16-bits of the 128 bit IPv6 address.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ipv4 part of <ipv6 address><ipv4 address>

Plural: ipv4 parts
Returns the lowest 32-bits of the IPv6 address as an IPv4 address.As of version 8.0, this Inspector type is derived from an <ipv4or6 address> type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
maximum of <ipv6 address><ipv6 address>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from a list of <ipv6 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
minimum of <ipv6 address><ipv6 address>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from a list of <ipv6 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
unique value of <ipv6 address><ipv6 address with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <ipv6 address> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1

ipv6 address with multiplicity

The <ipv6 address with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with ipv6 address arrays, allowing you to extract unique ipv6 addresses and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <ipv6 address>Returns the unique values of a given list of <ipv6 address> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <ipv6 address with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <ipv6 address> types.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1

ipv4or6 address

The <ipv4or6 address> Inspectors allow you to represent IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as a common type. From these inclusive Inspectors, you can derive the corresponding v4 and v6 IP addresses.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<string> as ipv4or6 addressConverts a string version of an IP address into the flexible ipv4or6 address format.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv4or6 address <string>Returns an ipv4or6 address object as described by the given string.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
registration address of <client>This Inspector returns the IP address (as an <ipv4or6 address> type) that the specified BigFix client registered with.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
registration subnet address of <client>This Inspector returns the subnet address (as an <ipv4or6 address> type) from the adapter that the specified BigFix client registered with.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
full gateway address of <selected server>During relay selection, a traceroute-like list of the hops between the client and its relay (the selected server) is recorded. That list is accessible through this Inspector. Unlike the 'gateway address' Inspector, this Inspector includes hops that don't reply as, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
gateway address <integer> of <selected server>During relay selection, a traceroute-like list of the hops between the client and its relay (the selected server) is recorded. The elements of that list is accessible through this Inspector.Prior to version 8.0, this inspector returned an <ipv4 address> type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
gateway address of <selected server>During relay selection, a traceroute-like list of the hops between the client and its relay (the selected server) is recorded. That list is accessible through this Inspector. However, this Inspector ignores hops that don't reply. If you need the full list, use the 'full gateway address' Inspector.Prior to version 8.0, this inspector returned an <ipv4 address> type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ip address of <selected server>The ipv4or6 address to which reports are sent.Prior to version 8.0, this inspector returned an <ipv4 address> type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
ip address of <bes computer>Returns the result of the 'IP Address' property of the specified computer as an ipv4or6 address type.Win
local address of <socket>Returns an <ipv4or6 address> representing the local address of the socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
remote address of <socket>Returns a <ipv4or6 address> representing the remote address of the socketUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Mac:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Win:9.0
ipv4or6 dns server of <network adapter>Returns the ipv4or6 address of the DNS server of the specified network adapter.Win:8.0
address of <network adapter interface>Returns the IP address of the specified network adapter interface as an ipv4or6 address type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
broadcast address of <network adapter interface>Creates an object with the broadcast address (ipv4or6) of the specified network adapter interface.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
subnet address of <network adapter interface>Returns the subnet address of the specified interface as an ipv4or6 address type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
subnet mask of <network adapter interface>Returns the subnet mask of the specified interface as an ipv4or6 address type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4 address> as ipv4or6 addressConverts an IPv4 address into the more inclusive ipv4or6 type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv6 address> as ipv4or6 addressCasts an IPv6 address as a more flexible ipv4or6 address.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
maximum of <ipv4or6 address>Returns the maximum of the specified list of <ipv4or6 address> types.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
minimum of <ipv4or6 address>Returns the minimum of the specified list of <ipv4or6 address> types.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
target ipv4or6 address of <port mapping>Returns the target IP address (ipv4or6) of the specified port mapping.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<ipv4or6 address> {cmp} <ipv4or6 address><boolean>Where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0
<ipv4or6 address> {cmp} <string><boolean>Where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0
<string> {cmp} <ipv4or6 address><boolean>Where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<ipv4or6 address> as compressed string<string>Compresses the IP address, using double colons to stand in for repeated zeroes in the address.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4or6 address> as compressed string with ipv4<string>Similar to casting to a string, but with both colon-compression and standard IPv4 representation for the low 32-bits.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4or6 address> as compressed string with ipv4 with zone index<string>Creates a compressed string (replacing multiple zeroes with double colons) with the lower 32 bits in IPv4 format. It includes the zone index (on Windows, typically a number) following a percent sign (%).Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4or6 address> as compressed string with zone index<string>Creates a compressed string (replacing multiple zeroes with double colons) and includes the zone index (on Windows, typically a number) following a percent sign (%).Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4or6 address> as string<string>Casts an IP address (v4 or 6) as a string type.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4or6 address> as string with ipv4<string>Converts an address to a string with the lower 32 bits in IPv4 format.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4or6 address> as string with ipv4 with zone index<string>Converts an address to a string with the lower 32 bits in IPv4 format as well as any zone index.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4or6 address> as string with leading zeros<string>Converts an IP address into a string with all fields packed with leading zeroes.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4or6 address> as string with leading zeros with zone index<string>Converts an IP address into a string with all fields packed with leading zeroes, as well as any zone index.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
<ipv4or6 address> as string with zone index<string>Converts an IP address into a string with a zone index, if any.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
extrema of <ipv4or6 address><( ipv4or6 address, ipv4or6 address )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum of the specified list of ipv4or6 addresses.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
hexadecet <integer> of <ipv4or6 address><integer>

Plural: hexadecets
Returns one of the eight 16-bit parts (hexadecets) of an ipv4or6 address specified by <integer>. Here zero refers to the highest hexadecet (network or big-endian order). Thus hexadecet 0 refers to the most-significant 16-bits of the 128 bit ipv4or6 address.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ip version of <ipv4or6 address><ip version>

Plural: ip versions
Returns the IP version of the specified ipv4or6 address.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
ipv4 part of <ipv4or6 address><ipv4 address>

Plural: ipv4 parts
Returns the lowest 32-bits of the IPv4or6 address as an IPv4 address.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
maximum of <ipv4or6 address><ipv4or6 address>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum of the specified list of <ipv4or6 address> types.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
minimum of <ipv4or6 address><ipv4or6 address>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum of the specified list of <ipv4or6 address> types.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
unique value of <ipv4or6 address><ipv4or6 address with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of addresses (ipv4or6), removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1

ipv4or6 address with multiplicity

The <ipv4or6 address with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of ipv4or6 addresses, allowing you to extract unique addresses and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <ipv4or6 address>Returns the unique values of a given list of addresses (ipv4or6), removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <ipv4or6 address with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Returns the multiplicity (how many entries of each unique address) of a list of ipv4or6 addresses.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1

ipv4 route

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

ipv4 routing table

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)